一年一度的圣诞节就马上就到了... 在此,希望祝所有的人都Marry Christmas!~~ 圣诞节嘛, 所以特地找了关于圣诞的音乐, 希望大家喜欢 你们要向耶和华唱新歌,全地都要向耶和华歌唱。 要向耶和华歌唱,称颂他的名,天天传扬他的救恩。 合唱是一种非常具有魅力的表现形式,特别是加入了虔诚的香膏以后。更加显得美丽而又安详。 这张唱片与《黑教堂》风格相似, 如果你正 好心情烦躁,听听这张唱片作为清凉剂吧。 曲目下载: 01 When he comes 02 God and man at table are sat down 03 God when you breathe 04 Prologue 05 Hogreat thou art 06 I know of a dark and gloomy garden 07 In faith neath the sky 08 Just one day one moment at a time 09 Love is come again 10 Many are the lightbeams 11 My soul you must now forget 12 O Christ who art the light and day 13 O jesus mine what wrong have you done 14 Out of the cold 15 Said judas to mary 16 Sorrow and joy go hand in hand 17 Spread your wings over me 18 The love of Gods is broad like beach and meadows 19 There is a road to heaven 20 Thou whom shephards worshipped 21 Walk carefully o Christian 22When we share the bread that he gives us 23Your arms are full of flowers 24 Your name o.jesus.js a comfort 25 Before the dawn [mp3]http://www.cat-nest.com/mp3/church/-%20When%20he%20comes.mp3[/mp3] 打包下载地址: http://www.live-share.com/files/116970/____.rar.html
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