目录 - List
01 心上人像达玛花 Flower dahma&My love
02 偶然 All by chances
03 那些花儿 Those flower
04 百里香 Thyme
05 情人的眼泪 Sweetheart's tears
06 九月的故事 September's story
07 我是一片云 Cloud is what I am
08 追梦人 The person who chases the dream
09 漂洋过海来看你 Come to you from long way by hard
10 船歌 The song of ships
11 我有一段情 One love in me
12 烛光里的妈妈 Mother in the candle light
13 丰收歌-麦浪滚滚闪金光 Song o golden harvest